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Inspiration and career advice from the first female General Manager in Germany

Tracy Simmons Headshot and Career Path on a Map of North America and Europe

Tracy Simmons has an impressive Enterprise career path: after starting out as a Management Trainee at a branch in Tennessee in 2000, she quickly moved up the ranks and earned a reputation for her leadership and for building strong employee engagement.

Tracy’s most recent success is particularly significant as she became the first woman to hold the role of General Manager in Germany. We caught up with her to find out about her new role, where she finds inspiration, and her best career advice.

What are you most excited about in your new role?

The opportunity to work in Europe and be at the heart of our global expansion really excited me. Those who had already made that move inspired me with their stories, leaving me determined to go for it. I received European updates in daily rental and officer meetings which always intrigued me.

On a more personal level, it is important to me and my husband that our two teenage children are exposed to different cultures, and are encouraged to live their best lives in the way they choose to.

What has inspired you most during your career so far?

Throughout my 21 years at Enterprise, I’ve been inspired every step of the way. I worked through 9-11 and saw how our company rallied to help stranded employees and customers around the world travel home when they needed it most.

I’ve worked through the Great Recession and was inspired by how the Taylor family navigated us through tough economic times with strength, courage, and support.

I’ve worked through natural disasters, domestic terrorist attacks in San Bernardino and Las Vegas, and most recently, COVID-19. The first question that we always ask is: “How is the team?” The next question is: “How can we take care of our customers and communities?”

Throughout it all, I have been so humbled and inspired by our people and the soul of our company. Never have I been surrounded by such resilient, dedicated, and compassionate people, and that is what inspires me every day.

What’s your advice to someone considering relocating for a new opportunity?

Just do it! Every place I have worked or traveled to has provided new opportunities for personal and professional growth. Your views expand, your beliefs evolve, and you grow as a person– which I think is awesome. The company does an amazing job of making the moves ‘easy’, supporting you and your family every step of the way.

You’ve faced many challenges in your career. What have you learned from these experiences?

While I never enjoy these moments while they’re happening, I can acknowledge and appreciate that they have always made me a better person and business professional. Those who are ultimately successful embrace change and adversity, as these are the moments when true growth happens. My best advice when dealing with challenges is to speak up and ask for help. I’ve learned that our company has amazing people at all levels who truly want to help and want you to be successful. The key to progress and growth is being willing to change and evolve.


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