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2024 "On the Move" Mobility Survey: U.K. Results

Autonomous Mobility Survey graphic

Man Versus Machine | Humans Are Still in the Driver's Seat

  • The hype around autonomous vehicles (AVs) has been building for years, and 41% of Britons report excitement for the new technology.
  • However, that excitement is tempered by a major hurdle today: Sense of control. Nearly two-thirds (63%) of U.K. respondents prefer to be in control of the car they’re driving (or riding in).
Although there is some initial skepticism around autonomous vehicles, we see that many consumers change their minds about the technology once they get a chance to experience it.

Will Withington, Executive Vice President of Global Operations - Enterprise Mobility

“Infrastructure Anxiety” is the Biggest Barrier to EV Adoption

  • Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming more mainstream, with 4 in 10 Britons considering driving a fully electric vehicle in the future.
  • However, questions remain about the viability of the charging infrastructure in the U.K. The majority (71%) agree the U.K. doesn’t currently have the proper infrastructure in place to support widespread EV adoption, and just over half (51%) don’t think infrastructure is being built fast enough.
Electric Vehicle Mobility Survey graphic
Low Emission Zones Mobility Survey graphic

Young People More Impacted by Low Emission Zones, But It Won’t Stop Their Travel

  • Ultra Low Emission Zones in the U.K. are more likely to impact regular travel for young drivers, with the majority of Gen Z* (74%) and Millennials (67%) saying one or more of their regular trips will be affected, compared to around half of Gen X (51%) and Boomers (41%).
  • But despite being the most impacted, they are also less likely to avoid travel as a result. Only 16% of Gen Z said they would avoid traveling to Low Emission Zones altogether, compared to 25% of Gen X and 27% of Boomers. And while only 15% of Gen Z and 16% of Millennials said they plan to buy a new vehicle to comply with the rules, they are more likely to than Gen X (6%).

* This specific data point refers to a subset of Gen Z who were of driving age five years ago (aged 21 to 26 at the time of fielding). Elsewhere in the survey and press release, Gen Z refers to adult individuals aged 18 to 26.

The Mobility Survey was conducted online between Jan. 22-Feb. 5, 2024, among a population of 3,000 total adults across the U.S. (n=1,500) and U.K. (n=1,500). The survey includes Gen Z (15%), Millennial (28%), Gen X (25%), Baby Boomer (26%) and Silent Generation (6%).

TRUE Global Intelligence, the in-house research practice of FleishmanHillard, conducted the study with an opt-in-research panel. At the time of the survey, qualified participants were 18 years or older. The participants were analyzed by generational subgroups.